Kayakalpa Ayurvedic Wellness Clinic- Ayurvedic Wellness Centre in Trivandrum

Ayurvedic Wellness Centre in Trivandrum

Explore the best Ayurvedic wellness centre in Trivandrum. Our Ayurvedic wellness clinic provides a comprehensive 360 experience combining all of your wellness and lifestyle needs. Kayakalpa’s ayurveda treatment is highly effective for mental and physical health which brings the body to a state of equilibrium. It strengthens one's resistance and immunity.

Our wellness packages in Trivandrum include weight loss and weight gain packages, skin and beauty care packages, pre/post pregnancy care packages, and many more.

Wellness Packages
Weight Loss
AND gain
The obesity issue is not about vanity alone; it is the issue of our health and our physical and emotional well-being
Beauty and
Eye care
Ayurveda considers beauty as an intimate part of the human personality as this holistic science related to every aspect of body and mind & the soul.
Pregnancy care
Garbha samskara means the process of nurturing a healthy baby inside the womb.
This is a unique therapy in the science of ayurveda. It keeps the body young and agile even after one has passed his/her youth. Charaka says this therapy extends one's lifespan by many years.
Stress and Strain
This is a unique therapy in the science of ayurveda. It keeps the body young and agile even after one has passed his/her youth. Charaka says this therapy extends one's lifespan by many years.
To many, the word ‘Detox’ is just another fashionable buzzword, while others think of it as something harsh and punishing. Both perceptions are untrue. ‘Detox’ is a dire necessity in today’s stressful environment.
At Kayakalpa, we offer the possibility that normal human ageing could be slowed through few alternative healing techniques, yoga and meditation. No single, chronological timetable of human ageing exists.